I am usually a very light sleeper, but my doctor had put me on a sedative to help me get a better night’s rest. I fell asleep on my left side, as is my habit, with my husband Jim snuggled...

Between Lovers

"Good things come to those who wait, prepare and execute."

She was between men right now and hated going without. It was difficult to describe the feelings she was experiencing. She read erotica, both on line and in hard copy. She had to laugh at that term 'hard copy'. One...

That evening, they had decided they never wanted to be apart.  He knew what he wanted.  He wanted to marry her, to take her back to Texas with him, to live on the ranch, and to be his wife.  He...

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490 words 490 words

She woke with a smile on her face as she felt his arms tighten around her.  Murmuring a "Good Morning" she turned in his arms and gazed on his handsome face.  She kissed him tenderly on the mouth and smiled...

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660 words 660 words

The shower took longer than anticipated, on her part, for sure, because he joined her.  Hands touching.  Water cascading.  Mouths kissing.  Dinner was long forgotten, as they made love in the shower, and drying each other off, he picked her...

They stood in the bathroom kissing like teenagers.  Hell, they felt like teenagers!  This was all so new for both of them.  When she asked him if he was going to join her in the generous sized tub, his heart...

Score 110 110
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908 words 908 words