I have said it so many times To others near and far Saying the words Not meaning them Only playing their game No game has been played When I was with you I meant every word I said Heart pounding every...
Member: Hopesndreams
After a long day Dreading going home Another business trip taking you away Pulling into the driveway Looking at a empty and dark house Finding the courage To enter our home Fumbling with the keys Opening the door Eyes adjusting...
My love will last forever That is my promise to you Deep in my soul Flames burning bright Ignited by our love Loving the sound of your voice Loving your strong hands My heart skipping beats Your love imprinted upon...
I pour my heart out As we move forward On the journey of love Seeing your face Feeling your touch Your love burning deep in my soul Looking into your eyes I see the flames Burning bright for me to...
As my love grows my heart aches Loving you as you love another My heart is breaking The pain is real Two hearts drifting apart One holding on not letting go As your love runs through my veins One heart...
You are my heaven, I have searched the earth High and low Looking for you To capture my soul I am yours and you are mine Two flames unite as one When I am with you Heaven is where I...
You knew I would be yours You knew I would belong to you In my heart I knew that was true I was stubborn from the start I denied the feelings of my heart For I knew I was yours...
You are my heart You are my love I long for your touch and Your loving soul I close my eyes I feel your strong hands Your soft touch Caressing my face Touching my heart Touching my mind Touching my...