As the man in my life, stands in the shadows Looking around the smoked filled room After a long day, looking forward to a night out Running late, I tried to call Just getting your voicemail Getting home I called...
Member: Hopesndreams
Eyes focused on the clock Time slowly ticking away Minutes seem like hours Hours like days Waiting till the clock strikes five An hour passes, oh my god It's only been an hour Since I pried myself away From your...
Logs carefully place in the fireplace Soft glow in the room candles lit, filling the air with the sweet aroma Champagne on ice, chocolate covered strawberries on the silver tray Feather blanket laid on the floor Pillows positioned perfectly Lying...
As the days past Thinking of you often throughout the day Heart pumping, beating fast Body glistening as sweat forms Images of you flash in my mind Passionate kisses as our lips meet Fingers running through my hair Grabbing a...
I call you my very best friend We talk for hours Laughing, joking All in the name of pure non sexual fun Now you have a twin As do I We meet in the corner At our favorite club As...
As you hold my hand Walking along the beach Leaving footprints in the sand Finding our way As the sun starts to set Stopping as we look toward the horizon Hand and hand Leaning in to steal a kiss As...
There is a love that never ends A love that is deep inside Love that you can not hide A burning desire that is seen by all That kind of love that never ends The kind of love that controls...
As I look into the sky I see your face in the clouds Wondering if I am really seeing you I look away And I see you right in front of me It must be a dream It must be...
Stop playing games I was yours I trusted you Gave all of me Devoted my mind, body, heart and soul You never wanted it You played your games You broke my heart Waited to hear the truth As it never...
You opened my heart Showing me the light Falling for you Giving you all my love The words you said Filling my head I give my heart For you to keep I trusted you to keep it safe You proved...