My neighbor and I walked to and from school every day for weeks with the exception of the days I had track and field practice. He was a bit of a nerd but very sweet. The more I got to...
Member: HeatherHeathen
Summer of Firsts – Chapter 1 – Les-be-friends
"My Slutty Origin Story"
Summer was definitely upon us. The heat had risen, but was not yet uncomfortable. I had traded in heavy coats and pants for tank tops, skirts and shorts. The end of my junior year of high school was quickly approaching....
The Next Year – Chapter 7 – Two Girls One Dildo Part 2
"Expanding my bisexual tendancies"
I have to admit I was a little shocked by all this. I had known Trina for nearly seven years and although she can be a pushy bitch at times, I never expected this. As my head was forced downward...
The Next Year – Chapter 5 – Fucked with an Audience
"I had a taste and now I craved more"
The rest of the weekend flew by, however the next three days of school seemed to drag on forever. Vincent had been busy working on a project for school, so we hadn’t had our usual opportunity to sneak away to...
The Next Year – Chapter 6 – Two Girls One Dildo
"My friend was so jealous, she needed some attention."
Vincent and I agreed over lunch that although fun, we needed to find a new place to smoke weed and fuck, so that we didn’t get in trouble, or become the neighborhood show. After lunch Vincent dropped me off at...
The Next Year – Chapter 4 – Fucked and Fed
"A new year for new sexual adventures"
The wet slapping sound of his hard cock filled the air, as the noise bounced off the walls of his makeshift room, each time it smacked my clit. My ass cheeks tightened for a moment with each jolt. “You like...
The Next Year – Chapter 3 – Finger Fucked
"It was a whole new year, and and opportunity for all new sexual adventures"
He sat there leaned against his bed, and stared at the missed droplets of cum that had begun to dry on my face and tits. I smiled at the site of his softened saliva and cum coated cock glistening back...
The Next Year – Chapter 2 – Cum Hungry
"It was my senior year, and a whole new series of sexual adventures were a head of me."
For the next two weeks Vincent and I were inseparable. We ditched random classes to go to the half built housing community to smoke pot and fool around. We had to vary the days to avoid the construction crews. By...
The Next Year – Chapter 1 – Big Rooster on Campus
"It was my senior year and a whole new series of sexual adventures were ahead of me"
It had been nearly a year since my neighbor moved away, and I hadn’t met anyone that interested me the way he did. Thanks to his best friend Drew I spent nearly three quarters of the school year being called...
Summer Of Firsts – Chapter 4
"My Slutty Origin Story"
This was the summer of firsts. I was having so much fun knowing how much control I had over my neighbor. With a flick of my tongue I could send a wave of pure pleasure making his body convulse and...