Drifting Along

"We both will just go on."

Once more we drift along the trails of time,Again we skip and hold our hands so tight,With confidence I smile, you are my treat,Remembrance is forthrightly gathered close.There is no sadness, never will we hurtWhile holding all our joys within...

The Sun Has Risen

"Our twilight is not near"

The sun has risen over both our waysSo many times apart, now we are one.No longer may we squander nights and days,You're my true love when all is said and done.Our twilight is not near, not coming soon,We'll laugh and cry, not...

Proud to be a Straight Ally

"You didn't understand how nasty it could be"

Driving down the road, sitting in the driver's seat, your newest best friend, Patricia, is going on tour with you. It's just the best of fun to go out on the backroads and explore places you have never been when the weather permits. You...

You Spoke My Name

"When you speak my name."

You said my name, it felt so intimateas if you spread some jam upon my lipsand then you licked it off. The loving wayyou said my name had felt as if you'd kissedmy center of deep sensuality.As if the simple act of naming mehad been seductive, lustful, and unleashed.And all the time...

Only Make-Believe

"It's only make-believe..."

It may be only make-believe but realenough for us until the season's sighscan drift and melt our dreams' reality.A time for us to touch. Caressing blisswith every cat-like purr of vibrant trust.We move along the patterns of the gridthat maps our place, our home within this worldthat lives expands...

And Now I Truly Feel

"It was our time I now remember well"

It is a time I should remember well,the feelings special still when I recall.It may be true the thoughts of you are spreadacross the years and visions do not cometo me as I would wish that they might do.If you should ever...

Peen Goes For A Foolish Swim

"Continued, erotic adventures of Peen"

Peen stared at the large sign above the entrance to the swimming pool. It stated emphatically in bold red letters "Adult Members Only. Open at 10:00 O'clock." He checked the time and grinned noting it was just 9:30. He gave a flick of his...

Found in Fairyland

"Searching for her in Fairyland"

She lives there in your Fairyland of Dreams. She'll be there when you seek her, never fear.Don't worry, you are playing love's sweet games,the ones that keep you living life's pure joy.We realize the trust we give to thosewe love returns to us in manifolddegrees. So...

Prairie Poetry Suite

"Lift your wings unto the winds and rise"

Eyes open slowly,the horizon spreading out.Awaken with joy.Bird songs whistle andfill our ears triumphantly.The prairie is alive.Blue skies above us,scarlets and ambers blending.Blossoms have appeared.Viewing the landscapeas we share the atmosphere.Breathing perfumed air. Hands entwined warmlyfeeling the moisture mixing.Sharing our heartbeats.Breezes carry notes;winds sing happy melodies.Our voices...