The Good Captain

"A cavalryman flirts with disaster"

Petersburg – April, 1781Across the wood line and behind the British front, Captain Grayson Rothschild leads His Majesty’s Dragoons as they ride to the sounds of cannon fire.An expert rider, cavalryman, and officer, Grayson’s judgment and expertise from years of...

Simple Charm

"Finding balance between control and decisions"

Financial District – DowntownIt’s not Friday, but her tolerance for this place may not hold out until then. Since Monday, it has been a flood of meetings and crises, last-minute calls and bottomless emails. Eighteen paragraphs. Eighteen! Who has time...


"Her body is his reward"

London – Annual International Humanitarian Awards“What a great night,” the host boasts to a sparkling crowd of tuxedos and gowns. White linen and glistening glassware reflect the low lights and candles throughout the large room. “It’s such an honor to...

These Colorado Boys

"A young lady visits a family friend for the final time"

Clearwater Ranch – Twenty-five Miles South of PuebloAfter fifteen hours of driving across the country, the Fagundes family finally arrives at their lifetime friend’s home in the heart of the homeland.It’s hot for this time of year, the distant mountains...


"A couple spends their anniversary on an adventurous leisure cruise"

Miami, Florida – SunsetThe charter yacht Violet slips over calm waters as she sets out at sunset, a little piece of luxury on the edge of paradise.This little trip is an overnighter, a special and long overdue gift for Mr....

Callsign Indigo

"Always close to one another, two lovers suffer the tyranny of distance"

Honolulu, Oahu – March 12th, 8:37pmOn the sixth floor of the Hale Koa beachfront hotel, hardly anyone knows what’s taking place in room 618 tonight. A dark ocean is the only witness as it lingers beyond the balcony windows, Tasha’s...

Ms. Interpretation

"A businessman's trip to Japan has an unexpected ending"

Tokyo – Friday NightThere’s nothing out of place in the pristine Nohga Hotel in downtown Tokyo. People everywhere are coming and going for leisure or travel, opting to stay or passing through these downtown lights. Samuel Grayling rides the elevator...

Ms. Fit

"Getting worked up before a hot date"

Gold’s Gym – 9:00pmAlthough the gym only remains open for another hour, Audrey isn’t concerned about being pressed for time. After having been working at the gym for six years now, she’s made her way into being a trusted agent,...

Ms. Sing

"An actual story - with Lush characteristics"

Song’s Martial Arts – 5:00amNolan parks in his usual spot behind Song’s in the early morning. With the parking lot vacant, he’s in no rush as he goes in for a brief morning workout. An athlete and martial arts enthusiast,...

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Bully Boy Of St. Catherine’s

"An actual story - with lush charactaristics"

The English Channel – Autumn, 1990White capped waves continue beating against the forty-foot Gimbal Rose, her white sails straining against constant forty-knot winds.Although sturdy herself, Gaelle Beauchene’s strain begins to show. With her hair in a messy ponytail, she squints...