Increasing Desire: Chapter 5 – Subconscious Needs

"A middle-aged couple continues sex lessons and is surprised to learn about their subconscious needs"

Libido SpeaksIt was only a few days after our last visit when I turned to my husband, Richard, and said, “Oh my God, honey. I am so horny. I want to make an appointment with Ivan and Kim for another...

Increasing Desire: Chapter 4 – Continuing Education

"As a middle-aged couple continues BDSM and sex lessons they learn the true meaning of submission"

Separate Rooms“Did everything go well after our last session,” Ivan inquired with true concern as we walked in for our next lesson. I instantly understood what he was asking.“Oh Yes. We had a great time when we got home. Didn’t...

Increasing Desire: Chapter 2 – The Second Visit

"A middle-aged couple continues sex lessons with the help of a pair experienced in dominance and su"

Lust AcknowledgedMy husband, Ricard, and I had paid an initial visit to a middle-aged couple who specialized in working with clients new to the concept of dominance and submission. We were both frightened and excited by the experience. After that...

The Doctor Is In: Chapter II – Return to the Doctor’s Office

"A young couple seeking increased intimacy returns for a follow up session with the Doctor"

Prescient Telephone CallOur first visit to the Couples Counselor ended fairly abruptly after my husband, Rodney, and I had oral sex related orgasms. Rodney wanted to leave quickly because he had come in his pants - a lot. Not that...

The Doctor Is In – Chapter I – The First Office Visit

"A young couple with intimacy problems seeks professional help"

 Meeting the DoctorThe office of the Couples Counselor was large and very nicely furnished; the floor was carpeted, and the subdued lighting came from lamps with warm incandescent bulbs.“Good afternoon, I’m Don Clark,” said the doctor, as he rose from...