Casanova On-Line

"His online time is special, but do they know his secret?"

He prepares for his time on-line as if following an ancient ritual. He gets out the notebook sets up the candles and sits at his computer. The shelves in his room are filled with computer books and romance novels.The computer...


"Inspirition returns with a storm"

The night was a stormy one, as dark as the bottom of a deep well. The only break in the black sky outside my window was the flashes of lightning that lit up the entire area. The wind was a...

Texts To Her

"My thoughts as she sleeps"

These texts were sent to a very special person as she slept.Middle of the night and I wake up, been having a little trouble sleeping lately, not sure why, a lot of crap on my mind. As my eyes adjust...

A Week At Papaw’s chap 1

"Papaw gets a new trainee"

The Beginnings – An Unexpected Request They arrived on Friday night, my granddaughter Tina and a handful of her girlfriends from school. I am just a stopping off point on the way to a Florida spring break adventure. There was...