Donna Lee

"A freedom-seeking American expat encounters an unlikely kindred spirit"

Paris, 1962Inside Bohemia After Dark, patrons squinted through an ashen haze at the nightclub's featured combo. Stained indigo under mood lighting, a quintet of animated ebony carvings whisper-shouted wordless, haunting languages. Cigarette embers winked; wine glasses clinked; heads nodded with...

Blonde Surprise

"A womanizing Broadway performer tries to direct himself away from a high-risk temptress"

Once the limo dropped him off, all Andrew Lyne Barrett could think about was a decent coffee and a hot shower. And bed. Solo, not shared. The marathon 69 contest with a nubile starlet du jour — his reward for enduring eleven...


"It took a dream to put the end of forever into words"

Near closing time on a rare, rainless Cornish evening, I wander toward the shop where you work, unable to explain how I got here other than transport by sheer longing. The same compulsion told me where to find you in...

Threesome And Troublesome

"While Dawn plays hooky with benefits, Teri takes the initiative - and hits a different roadblock."

DawnIf absence makes a dick grow impatient, the proof blasts through my bedroom window from the dick's muffler-challenged Camaro, twenty minutes early and fumigating the yard with thunderheads of exhaust. Every bump in the driveway extorts a creaky toll from...

Topless Punch Line – Part 2

"With Dawn occupied elsewhere, Teri makes a startling discovery..."

Teri"Going over Dawn's today?" Aunt Denise asks without looking up from the newest Uncle Henry's classifieds. The overhead kitchen bulb shimmers in her teacup and burnishes her auburn topknot. Framed in the window is one of those typical maritime days when cotton...

The Other Side Of The Secret

"It's just sex... isn't it?"

January 2019Half an inch from clearing the history, the cursor skids to a halt when five forgotten downloads rivet her attention. What was an innocent routine of moving some trip photos between devices takes a disturbing twist as a seaside day's souvenirs are eclipsed by the radioactive, quintet wink of...

Are You Experienced?

"Getting to know the new girl"

Tranquilized by the tide's rhythmic whoosh, I'm drifting into a solar-powered nap when a cavalry of baritone chatter trumpets reveille. My head abandons its forearm pillow, radar ready to scope out the hung and the shirtless."New arrivals, two o'clock." A pack of upperclassmen - Bowdoin, probably - shucks and...