Ballsy p4; Mrs Brooks

"This chapter details Jamie's next adventure after Paula Sainsburys tryst. Jamie bumps into his mum and dads buxom neighbour, Mrs Brooks."

Mrs Brooks, Part 1 of this chapter is a continuation of Ballsy Part 2 (Paula Sainsbury).Jamie felt a surge of enthusiasm coursing through him. He knew he couldn't contain his eagerness; it was impossible to suppress the joy bubbling up inside...

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Re-writing Liza P3

"Liza's processes new memories at Gary's command."

Part 3Liza checked her makeup and pretty face in the rearview mirror before taking a deep breath, slightly nervous about her more risqué choice of clothing. Her hands trembled slightly as she got out of the car and pocketed the...

Re-writing Liza P2

"Gary continues replacing Liza's best memories."

Back at mom's, Gary is back.Liza looked forward to visiting her mum every week, but not for the reason she was feeling today, she found herself unexpectedly excited about going there. As she drove, she could feel the anticipation across her...

Re-writing Liza P1

"Liza has her Memories re-written, funny how we are our memories."

Liza's moms and old friends.Liza's mom, Martha, waved enthusiastically from the porch. "Liza, darling!" Her face was almost identical to Liza's, but with visible wrinkles of age around her eyes, radiating warmth."Quite the welcome Mom" Liza replied with a chuckle, carefully navigating...

Ballsy P3

"Jamie Goldsmith has a unique knack of being able to convince people of things."

Laura Clarke“Hi, Laura”One of Laura's classmates shouted over just as she was pinning the details of the after-school debate meeting times and topics to the student notice board. She didn’t know the girl well but knew that her name was...

Ballsy P2

"Jamie Goldsmith has a unique knack of being able to convince people of things."

Paula Sailsbury:‘This is my year,’ Paula thought.Paula had always been popular. Being pretty, rich, and with a whole lot of confidence gave her opportunities in life that few can boast of. She had always been in the "IT" crowd, now...


"A passer-by throws confetti and something more over a new bride and groom and their guests."

The weddingColin and Sophie stepped out of the church and into the bright light of the sunny rays that greeted them on their wedding day. Posing on the wide stairs in front of the church, large, happy grins were on...

Ballsy P1

"Jamie Goldsmith has a unique knack of being able to convince people of things."

Ann-MarieAnn-Marie sat in the small room that the school used for guidance one-on-one. It sometimes doubled up as a room where teachers, including her, would invite a student’s parents in for a chat if their behaviour had warranted it.The room...

Part 3Months later...Michelle stumbled through the door, exhausted from another long day at work. Despite her weariness, she couldn't help but notice the change in her living space. Gene had clearly moved himself in over the last few months, and...