Chloe shook her head, amusement playing behind soft blue eyes. Emma could certainly go on, her words tripping off her tongue faster than her thoughts. Only one way to silence her, really.Crooking her finger, she motioned for the girl to scuttle forward...
Member: fillelapine
September was half over and I was having an existential crisis. The days that I could lay out back on the deck in a bikini were dwindling quickly and I was standing in my closet trying to decide between a...
I hadn’t planned on ushering in the new year like this. To be fair, I rarely ever plan anything. Events just seem to happen. Like falling for someone. It’s such a heady moment when you connect and sparks fly and...
Outside the wind was howling and snow swirled and beat against the windows. The storm had been raging all day, the first gentle flurries of flakes turning quickly to blizzard. There would be no going anywhere tonight, I thought. I...
The day promised to be idyllic. Summer seemed to come and go this year and the sun was intent upon playing hide and seek with a vengeance. Today, however, it seemed content to float above the distant mountains. I could...
Thought I’d jump ahead a little and share something that occurred a couple of months after being hired by David and Anya as a live in personal assistant/bunny slut. I’d been living in the in-law suite behind Sir’s house. It...
Not knowing what to do and feeling like a deer caught in headlamps, I stared at his wife. She was gorgeous of course. Tall and elegant, he dark hair spilling carelessly over he shoulder and over her breasts. She was...
“What exactly do you do?”A recent conversation with a friend I’d gone to school with when I told them I was working as a personal assistant.“Mostly help with managing time. Scheduling meetings, prioritizing emails, taking notes, making calls. Things like...