I have no words to describeHow she turns my cunt punch drunk with lust  Her smile making me ache and trembleHer touch turning me inside outAgain and again Until I don’t know up from downOr right from wrongI have no words...

The Mythadventures of A Sex Bunny Part One. The Isle of Pigs

"Bunny has a mythical, and possibly heroic, adventure upon the Aegean Sea (It's all Greek to me)."

This story could start in so many places. The first time I flirted with Oliver at FedEx would have made more sense. Or connecting with Annie over a shared love of writing. Or even talking with Violet about tentacle monsters. ...

“Are you going to be a good girl today?”Not trusting my voice, I simply nodded, never once breaking eye contact with her. I wasn’t sure what she had planned, but I would do my best. She responded by running her...

Crouching behind a bush, my hand covering my mouth, I listened to their voices. Two of them obviously hunting me. Why else would they be there? Besides, I could overhear a little of their conversation. What they would do to...

It had been a good game. My team had beaten the Oilers by 2 and I’d consumed enough beer to have questionable morals, not to mention possibly poor judgement. The evening had started at a local tavern, one with a...