Kathy makes my fantasy come true

"Kathy puts on a show for me that I will never forget"

We rose from the sofa but before she could turn to the bedroom, I wrapped her up in my arms, her naked body pressed against me, and I kissed her. It was a kiss of passion and longing, of excitement...

Together at Bill’s

"After we arrive at Bill's apartment, Kathy sets the stage for her show"

It was just after midnight when we arrived and Bill was obviously glad to see Kathy. He greeted us at the door before we could even knock. “I thought you two were never going to get here,” he said, “come...

The fun with Kathy continues

"Kathy awakes from her slumber and we make love in the river"

This is the continuation of an event from my past. I have changed the names to protect the not so innocent. If you want the whole story you should start at chapter one exploring her wild side, but you do not...

More fun with Kathy

"Things heat up down by the river"

This is the second part of my experience with Kathy.I have changed the names to protect the not so innocent.I don’t want to say that it was uncomfortable in the truck as we set off again. It wasn’t, it was...

Exploring her wild side

"On a busy highway I watched her cumming in the cab of my truck"

For six years Sue and I had dated. On the last day of college after my last exam she dumped me for Robert. I had never met him nor did I want to. Bill and Kathy (not their real names,)...

Helping a friend Chapters 4 and 5

"After watching her undress I need to relieve the pressure. The real pressure is yet to come!"

So this is chapters 4 and 5 of my story. They will make more sense if you start at the beginning but you don't have to. Enjoy.Chapter 4Alone inside the bathroom my mind races, the images of you undressing and...

Helping a friend chapter 3

"We get caught in the rain"

This is the next chapter of my first story. If you have not read chapters one and two you probably should.Chapter 3 At first it was almost unnoticeable, and then as if the stopper had been opened and the light...