Mile High Slut

"Shelly provides a valuable service for airplane captains everywhere."

Shelly clicked her ruby red heels through the International Terminal, her tight pinstripe mini skirt accentuating a firm, rounded ass. The blue, curve-hugging cashmere sweater with plunging neckline displayed her ample assets. Meticulously manicured nails were lacquered in red, and...

For This Night

"An old flame burns hot and bright for a night of passion."

It was madness, and she knew it. Inviting chaos. Tempting fate. Still, she couldn't bring herself to regret the situation. The bar was crowded and noisy. Warm bodies pressed together in an atmosphere of shared jocularity where personal space became...

An Experiment in Submission

"I learn the pleasures of submitting to my Master."

Ahhh, Dragon*Con. Fantasy and science-fiction mecca for the freaks, geeks, nerds, and their groupies. Once a year, this ever-growing crowd of introverts and odd near-geniuses congregates in the hotel center of downtown Atlanta to pay cult-like homage to games, literature,...