The dreams began exactly three months before, on the eve of Ostara. They were sultry, salty wisps that wrapped around Mary’s subconscious while she slept, filling her mind with images of craggy cliffs topped with grasses that waved in the...

A hot, relentless Atlanta summer sun beat down on the cultured stone and marble paving surrounding the azure depths of the pool. The lush greenery at the outskirts cast dense shadow, promising relief from the nearly triple digit temperatures, but...

The Cell

"In the quiet cage of the darkest corner of my heart, she waits."

Deafening screams Rend complete stillness.Darkness echoes,The void her sole witness. The cell door’s shut tight,The key hidden away.She cries and she pleads,But no one hears, to her dismay. Alone. Bereft and discarded. Forgotten. But she still remembers, Still feels and recalls,What it felt...


"Dark reflections in a club bathroom"

I walked into the darkly glamorous bathroom, a glittering, glistening mess after the last two hours of nonstop dancing. Black glass tile on the walls and floor reflected the white and pink lights recessed in fixtures above, creating a slightly...


"In the small hours, you haunt me"

Once again awake,Disturbed from fitful slumber.Images, visions, near memoriesOf something thought dead.Something that never really was.A ghost.I'm haunted by my own desireFor something impossible;Like dragon's blood and fairy dust,Something beyond this world.A fantasy.I toss and turnAnd the ceiling shadows change.Lightening,...

Molten Core

"Eve finds out just how hot glass can be."

The workshop existed in a world of heat and light all its own. Patiently, Eve turned her blowpipe, expertly heating the carefully shaped multicolored layers of molten glass. Her lean, muscled arms held the pipe steady as she twisted it,...