My Love

"Long awaited imaginary sex"

I said from the start, that you've got the partOf the girl, that I want to doNow can't hardly waite, till that magical dateWhen your lips, are touching mine too. .We'll meet at your door, throw my coat to the...

Babys Grown Up

"A little step family fun"

Four years now, and not sure howSince her mom and I were wedThat her and I, so hard I tryNot end up in her bed.A kiss with tongue, is what begunOur daddy-daughter playUpon my lap, her mom's fake napInhibitions, soon...

Friday Night Fun

"A horny little sex kitten"

It’s Friday eve, dressed to deceiveDress as sexy as we canA Slutty dress, for more accessA skin-tight muscle man.Our timid mouse, will leave her houseTo the club, tis where she flirtsOnce each year, dressed, hid from peerWill fuck a stranger,...

Sunday Is Fun Day

"A little bisexual fun"

Watching Sunday football,with a great big burly bearA bulge was growing in his pants,I'm sure he caught my stareInvited me to watch the game,I thought he might be BiFlirting in the pub last night,that's when I caught his eyeSitting on...

My Wife’s Big Bull

"A little cuck in our life"

To begin, my wife walked inBehind her came this bullSix foot six, to my transfixHis bulging crotch looked fullAs I stared blank, he was a tankShe pointed at the chairHer evil grin, what was this sinYou sit your ass down...

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Morning Love

"Self pleasure"

Another morn, dreamt of pornAnd woke up hard againThis sexy bird, we shared no wordMy soul, I'd let her reignWas at the club, the dance floor rubAll bodies grinding tightYou're half erect, from indirectThat pelvic pump delightI saw her there,...