Judith And Her Two Naughty Daughters Love Getting Sore Bottoms. Ch 3.

"Janet’s mother Amirah has annoyed Judith, who deals with her outdated attitude. Their daughters Mary and Janet go for a full intimate waxing and meet another girl keen to receive a spanking."

“Neil, I am annoyed. Amirah had no right to cane poor Mary. I made light of it the next morning with Mary, but I must speak to Amirah. I’m going to invite her around when Mary is out. It might...

Julia And I Get Into Spanking And Join With A Group Of Girls At A BDSM Dungeon

"Julia enjoys spanking and caning and at a sex theme hotel we meet with a group of girls in the dungeon for spanking and caning activity"

Julia, who was in her mid-twenties, had been my partner for six months. Her previous boyfriend had been a wealthy merchant banker I knew socially, and I had noticed Julia warming to me. Everything changed when I returned from one...

Judith And Her Two Naughty Daughters Love Getting Sore Bottoms. Chapter 2

"Judith’s daughter Mary canes her friend Janet and Janet’s mother canes both of them"

Life carried on. Schoolwork was going well for Mary, and she was getting the low fifties in her test results, which were now down to the routine half-term and end-of-term checks. She looked a little embarrassed when one evening, she...

Josie’s Love Of Outdoor Sex And Spanking Entertains The Drones And The Two Lesbian Operatives.

"Josie entertains the drones with a sore bottom and sex which turns on the voyeurist lesbian operatives"

I got a promotion, a payment for securing an enormous deal and a higher salary, so I indulged Josie and me with a large motor-sailor catamaran. There is a secure marina where we keep the boat, which is connected to...

Judith And Her Two Naughty Daughters Love Getting Sore Bottoms

"I meet with an attractive spankee widow who wants old fashioned correction given to her two daughters"

I had been the Operations Manager of a major contracting company in South East Asia’s head office for several years and was single in my late thirties. I spent time in the local head office and travelling around most remote...

I Am Attracted To A Sexy, Intelligent, But Mislead Girl And Turn Her Life Around

"Aretha hung around with the wrong crowd, and I fixed her problems through love, sex and a sore bottom."

I was nineteen and worked for an electronics and electronic warfare company in test and development as a senior technician. Uni was not for me. At the local technical college, I got an HNC in electronics and carried on with...

The Nurture Provided By The Mature Lady Works And I Provide Similar For Her Daughter

"I lift the mood of the lovely daughter of the mature lady who did it for me with sex and a sore bottom."

My time with Joan had steadied me and I made it through the rest of the term and my mock exams. One of my more perceptive pals at college said, “Pete, you seem much happier and relaxed. That awful look...

I was the head teacher of a private girl’s school in England from the early seventies until the mid-eighties. Corporal punishment in schools is still legal and accepted by many parents. I had joined the school, having worked in a...

A Mature Lady lifts My Dark Pre-Exam Mood With Sex And Caning.

"Mature Joan gives me sexual experience and emotional support spiced up with sore bottoms."

I had been a sailing club member since I was thirteen, and I was now seventeen and doing my A-level studies at a local technical college. Joan was the Commodore of the sailing club following the last committee meeting.Joan had...