A rendevous with my EX

"My ex-wife has improved with age and I am glad to discover it"

Generally speaking, Meg always went with me when I returned to my home town. However, since I was traveling down for a friend’s birthday, she decided to stay behind to visit Justin and his family. Since Kevin and Randy and...

I love breakfast in bed

"I never expected an offer to go for breakfast and shopping would result in so many surprises"

I looked at the clock on my night stand and it read 7:05. I figured I may as well get up, so I slid from beneath the sheet trying not to wake her. I went to the kitchen, started the...

So Glad I Caught Her

"I never thought a long day of golf could end so well"

It was a long day. We got held up in the rain playing our round of golf, stopped to eat, and made the longer than normal ride home. I was hoping my wife was still awake as we pulled into...