Chapter 32, Hi Honey, I’m Home To Stay, It’s The Over When It’s Over, Epilogue

"In old age, the wife reminisces about her life's errors and her husband and family."

With my secret puppet shadow permanently in the memory trunk, Succubus securely trussed, I devoted myself, as promised on my wedding day, to husband and family, those betrayed for so long.Life has turning points, transitions, milestones. Call them what you...

Chapter 30, Funeral’s Resurrection of Succubus And Last Gasps

"After menopause the wife panics on thinking of herself as no longer being a woman."

My time with the Captain built more self-esteem than confessing to an angel for forgiveness. I told Gabriel there was nothing wrong with him. Now I told myself there was nothing wrong with me. The truth was different.It was a...

Chapter 29, A Captain Joins My Book Club

"On reaching menopause the secret puppet shadow is freed again to romp."

After my confession to Gabriel, the only star’s gravitation that pulled my life’s orbit was family. The kids married, got jobs, bought houses and blessed me with grandchildren. For seven years hubby and I traveled, not just to the San...

Chapter 25, See The Sound By Sea And Framers’ Biceps

"Wife settles into routine once a week tryst affair of no fuss no muss."

Sailing with William was limited due to our schedules and sailing weather requirements. While we sailed again, there was no more boat sex, it was just too complicated.William knew the Puget Sound and enjoyed showing its nuances as Edward once...

Chapter 24, Rescued by Sail Boat SkipperTo Rush Home And Betray Hubby

"After learning harsh truths of her family back ground the wife finds diversion on a sailboat."

Parked in an Alameda Avenue bus stop, mind retching turned to dry heaves then sighs. I finally composed myself, restarted the car and drove back on the Alameda just as a bus arrived in my rear-view mirror to claim its...

Chapter 23, Mom’s Secret Puppet Shadow, Dad Rescues Her, I Lose My Mother!

"Middle age woman continues to learn family secrets including about dark secrets of her mother."

Sunday morning, arising early at the Sainte Clare Hotel where I always stayed when visiting San Jose, I was tempted to drive by our former house and Edward's apartment before visiting Mom. Instead, I drove to Alviso, to seek again...