Things Change

"My best friend comes back from college, having learned some new skills."

The stars were just starting to come out when Jake and I finished the dinner dishes and headed down to the lake. We’d drunk a lot of wine before and during the meal, and it was now time to enjoy some...

Naked As Jaybirds

"I have a nice body, and I don't care who sees it"

So I’m standing there naked in the woods, with some guy I’ve never seen before coming down the trail, and I can tell he’s just spotted me…But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. A little background is in order.I grew...

Our New Neighbor

"Getting my sex life back on track"

My friends and family tell me a woman my age -- 25 -- is too young to be so cynical about “romance.” They tell me I have a lot of life ahead of me, and I should be more open...

My Sister’s Boyfriend: Last Chapter

"The story that began when my sister's boyfriend came on to me comes to a close. Sort of."

There remains one loose end in this story I need to tie up. You might remember Stan, the guy who almost caught Matt and me together in the showers during the Memorial weekend campout and later came on to me himself....

My Sister’s Boyfriend, Part 6

"As much as I love my girlfriend, I can't quite give up men on the side"

So began my life at college. Looking back now, it’s all a blur -- starting classes, making new friends, getting used to setting my own rules and my own schedule. My relationship with Shana, new as it was, seemed the...

My Sister’s Boyfriend, Part 5

"After a summer exploring sex with men, I explore some with my new girlfriend"

On the way home I thought hard about what had happened these last few weeks. I realized that what I thought of as a summer fling had become something more for Jason. The way he’d kissed me just now --...

My Sister’s Boyfriend, Part 4

"A summer of sexual exploration"

Three weeks later I graduated. I didn’t see Matt again that summer, and to tell the truth I didn’t think a lot about him, either. My mind was far more occupied with Shana.Although we hadn’t exchanged numbers or emails over...