My Submissive Neighbors

"submissive couples enjoy being dominated"

This is complete fiction, a brief tale of a submissive couple and their dominant Black neighbor. She was on the bed on her knees, hands handcuffed behind her back, blindfold and dog collar in place, just as I had instructed...


"Head nurse taught a lesson?"

I stood in the darken house, my heart beating rapidly as I awaited the arrival of my victim for tonight. I was sweating a little with this mask on my face, I was dressed in all black. I felt in...

Harriet, my sexy mature neighbor

"My neighbor and I enjoy a afternoon romp"

     I was having a cup of coffee at a local diner in my area, I had woke up early and was too lazy to make my own, as I read the morning Daily News, I had the strange feeling...


"Online friends share night of passion"

This story is a fantasy about an online friend, I hope to meet one day.      I met a woman online in one of the several erotic sites that I subscribe to; she contacted me after reading my profile and...

My Sexy Neighbors, My Fantasy, Part 2

"After fucking the daughter it was the Mother's turn"

The story continues with the addition of the sexy mother, Jacqui, wow mother and daughter, how hot is that!        After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I asked Jacqui where was Jocelyn, “she’s taking a shower, she...

My Sexy Neighbors, My Fantasy

"Mother and daughter, will they fulfill my fantasy!"

This is my first story, I have lots more in my head, I love reading erotica and will work hard to make my stories better and better, thanks for reading. Please let me know what you think?      ...