Most of the time I’m happy living alone. But sometimes I think It’d be nice to come home To someone who cared. Someone to cuddle To love and to hold To nurse when she’s sick And to warm when she’s...
Member: DLizze
She isn’t petite and bouncy Like a Bugeye Sprite Or a cheerleader Darting around corners But bouncing with every bump in the road. And she isn’t long and lean Like an XK 120 Or a marathon runner Eating up curves and...
Minuet In G, Chapter VIII
"Gerald does some sleuthing, and all is revealed"
After she stopped reading, Alice had a sudden idea. She decided to put the things back in the room, and surprise Gerald with it, after she had cleaned everything up. She decided that if things were not in good working...
Minuet In G, Chapter VII
"Alice finds the playroom"
While Gerald was at work, Alice decided to use the time available to get online and shop for shelving and such to turn the basement into their wine-tasting room. They had been discussing it over breakfast, and Alice had said,...
Minuet In G Chapter V
"Alice and Gerald discover another secret about Aunt Sarah"
As he descended the stairs, Gerald heard what sounded to him like a little snippet from The Well-Tempered Clavichord. It stopped abruptly, followed by a few chords struck seemingly at random, and then he heard what he recognized as the...
Minuet In G – Chapter IV
"Gerald makes a discovery in the attic."
The following morning, Alice announced she wanted to tune the piano. Gerald agreed to take the day off from work, so they called his brother, to see if they could borrow his pickup truck. They loaded the truck full of...
Minuet In G Chapter III
"Alice and Gerald get the keys, and a confession from his mother"
Alice emerged from the bathroom in time to hear her mother in law say, “So when your grandfather married my mother, Sarah was absolutely livid. I always thought that a little strange, until the day of my eighteenth birthday. Sarah...
Minuet In G Chapter II
"Doris receives a shock, and Gerald and Alice close the deal"
Doris hated arithmetic. It had been her weakest subject in school, and she hadn’t gotten much better at it in her years since high school. So she sat at her desk, pencil in one hand and eraser in the other....
I made red potato salad for lunch today. The knife, as I sliced through the potatoes made a “shhhh” sound. It reminded me of the sound you make, Sucking in your breath when I first thrust into you, Your eyes...
Happily Ever After
"Belief lost, then regained, and lessons learned"
When I was a child I used to believe In happily ever after. I thought it meant days filled with love, And sun, And lots and lots of laughter.I married for that Two times, both in haste, And became an...