My Sexual Medication

"A late-night commercial on TV inspired me to be his sexual medication......"

One lonesome night I was wanting some relaxation.I turned on the TV looking for an interesting station,And there was an interesting commercial of solicitationDedicated to men dealing with a certain debilitation,That they tactfully called E.D., as its short abbreviation.The commercial...

The King of Porn

"The horny guy was bragging about his size."

He swore he was the "King of Porn."So blessed since the day he was born.Bigger and longer than a cob of corn.Breaking every condom that he has ever worn.----------------------------------------------------But it wasn't true at all, and so I had to mourn.He...

“Covid Blues”

"The Covid-19 Pandemic is disrupting my sex-life, but I found a way to deal with the Covid Blues."

There’s a killer virus messing up my sex life,Making every side-boo stuck with his crazy wife,Some keep messaging me, desperate for a hook-up,Frustrated and horny and telling me the dick’s up.Mentally I imagine it but I have to tell them:...

Game of the Year

"Game-day was finally here! This one would be the biggest Game of the Year."

"The Game of the Year" Pre-Game Hype:We had been waiting for this day since it was on the schedule.Filled with yearning and emotion although we tried to keep it cordial.The excitement of facing the best with the skills of a super...