Rare Breeds

"Issy, Sarah, Dan, and Mr Redding break into school on a Sunday to sin"

‘So,’ Dan said to the girls, ‘this is where you went to school?’Sarah strode down the empty entrance hall, her ponytails swinging side to side, her footsteps piercing the quiet. ‘This place hasn’t changed one bit,’ she said over her...

Sex And The Eternal City — Part II

"My sexual education, family vacation, Rome, June 1965"

I woke up with a start.“Laura!” my brother cried. It was the panic in his voice that jerked me to full consciousness.Ray looked horrified, and when I followed his eyes to the foot of our bed I saw the cause...

Sex And The Eternal City — Part I

"My sexual education, family vacation, Rome, June 1965"

I finished the chapter, turned the page, and rested my well-worn bookmark snug in the gutter before closing The Country Girls and placing the book on the accent table next to my armchair. Edna O'Brien’s writing inspired and frustrated me...