I’ll give you what you’ve always wanted.

"David visits his old friends in their new house in France. It's time to give them a gift."

“Ryanair flight Foxtrot Romeo five-one-four you are cleared to land runway one seven over.” The Boeing 737 that had taken off from Stansted curved onto the final approach, the pilot engaged another 20 degrees of flap and the undercarriage lowered...

Edinburgh Tattoo

"I was toying with the idea of a Tattoo so I popped into a parlour on Princes Street"

I was toying with the idea of getting a tattoo, not one of those full arm jobs that seem popular with merchant sailors and hairy bikers but something discreet, somewhere discreet, if you know what I mean. I had mentioned...

Breakfast with Tiffany Part 1

"When I met Tiffany in the bar she was looking for some tension release"

Breakfast with Tiffany (Part 1) The nature of my work required me to travel. When I was younger the novelty of travelling, and being paid for it, was exciting and had a certain holiday feel about it but now it...

Breakfast with Tiffany Part 2

"Where was I? In the wrong room with a beautiful girl. Wake me up, this must be a dream."

Breakfast with Tiffany (Part 2) I awoke with a start and looked to the bedside table where the hotel had placed a digital alarm clock with green glowing numbers. 5:59 and I needed the bathroom. The room was completely dark...

Kate and the photoshoot

"Just about how it happened when I took images for Kate's Christmas special feature web page."

I am, by profession, a photographer. Sadly it’s not how I earn my living now, the demand for high quality images that once graced the pages of magazines like Mayfair and Playboy have been replaced by the tidal wave of...