
"Reminiscent of years past, the fragrant scent of spontaneity made its provenance known as my cum seeped from her pulsating pussy."

Glass wool and gypsum plasterboard defiantly stood in the gap between our auditory perception and her raucous moans, the rhythmic knocking of their headboard against our shared bedroom wall divulging a battle of wills being fought, of which my son...


"Mmm, she the devil."

After months on deployment, I was grateful to come home to my wife in a skimpy She-Devil costume, a jack-o-lantern glimmering in the window of the dark living room. In the pumpkin's flickering candlelight, I squinted to bring her into...

Area 51

"Jack finally let’s Allyson explore his sexuality, her findings shocked them both to their very core!"

Allyson was motionless for a few seconds.It felt like an eternity had passed since I had relinquished control of our sex life and voiced my desire to be dominated.Without a sound, I felt her lift my head and slide out...


"Through hell and high water, I was going to blow his mind."

My grey hoodie was up over my rat's nest of a blonde mane and the post-dilation sunglasses I had on gratefully hid my splotchy complexion. I half expected the paparazzi to be outside the hospital doors with how embarrassed I...


"A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do"

"Promise you'll drop that first test?" I said from my knees."Of course sweetheart, I'll add extra credit too. Let's call it, extracurricular achievement," my professor said with a smile.I was having a real tough time as of late, this was probably...

Back Door

"Ever dined and dashed straight out the "back door"?"

"I'm too impatienttt to dineee at nineee!"Badum bum bum"I must be wined and sixty-nined!" I belted flatly at the top of my lungs as my dog Nala winced and laid her ears flat at the sound of my amazing singing voice. "Oh shut up!...

Good Vibes Only

"Food is our common ground, a universal experience."

She was divine. I honestly didn't know what it was about her. I quietly watched her amble through the half crowded dining room, nimbly balancing plates and checks while dodging running children and moving chairs. Each customer interaction was started and consummated with a...


"Allyson leaves home in an attempt to escape her comfort zone, playing with fire can start wildfires!"

I did it.I flew the coop.I quit my job, sold my car, and bought a one way ticket to the wild, unadulterated land of opportunity that is America. I was free! I had my own place! No more sharing bathrooms!...

Ride Along

"Let's take a ride, baby."

I was jittery, so jittery. My index finger tapped out an unknown melody to which my heavy boots provided a rumbling bass beat in the aisle of the plane, much to the dismay of the woman sitting on the other...