Till Death Do We Part

"A cheating wife meets her match."

January 10th, 2021My extraordinary wife represents the epitome of the adage; if you love what you do for a living, you never work a day in your life. Brenda, or Alexa Covetous as she goes by in her steamy romance...

Ten Minutes After Three

"A loving wife spices up her marriage."

The patter of raindrops against the pane first thing in the morning usually gets my juices flowing. But with the distorted view through the kitchen this morning, I can’t fight off the melancholy doldrums. So, I’m forced to use my...

Brenda Seeks A Job And Finds A Position

"How far will a loving wife go to save her prized possession?"

Fuck!Mrs. Johnson’s head snaps toward my screech. Then, with a shake of her head, our eighty-year-old neighbor returns her attention to her immaculately maintained flower bed. No doubt formulating a story about her crazy neighbor for the church group’s gossip...

The Essence of Spring

"Spring fever brings Bret and Celia closer."

 Nothing amplifies the drudgery of working indoors more thoroughly than winter surrendering its icy grip to the warmth of spring. Today I ponder this event in the sun’s warm embrace on my favorite park bench. I allow deadlines, pressure to...

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The Corporate Ladder – Part 3

"The climb continues."

Bret presses the last number and closes his eyes. An eternity passes before on the third ring, Bill answers, saying, “What now? I named you the director of operations to alleviate the necessity of micro-managing everything, so what’s the problem.”A...

The Corporate Ladder-Part Two

"Bret and Celia attend her bosses party"

The instant the waiter leaves with their order, Xillia's voice softens, and she asks, "OK, out with it, what's bothering you?"Celia continues spinning her fork without looking up. "I'm just tired, nothing to worry about.""Aren't you sleeping well?"Celia gives her...

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6.5k words 6.5k words

The Corporate Ladder

"A promotion leads a sexy young wife to a new world of sexual fulfillment."

Drawn to this den of inequities by an unquenchable craving, Celia draws in the heady aroma of sex laced with exotic perfume and aftershave. Her lower lip quivers as anticipation has her every nerve ending twitching.Once more, with her husband...