First Time Bi
"My first time with a guy"
I had an itch throughout my marriage that I never scratched, either due to a sense of loyalty to my vows or because of my lack of courage, I just never got around to it.That itch was I wanted to...
"My first time with a guy"
I had an itch throughout my marriage that I never scratched, either due to a sense of loyalty to my vows or because of my lack of courage, I just never got around to it.That itch was I wanted to...
"Rebecca's husband's Secret"
Daniel smiled as he watched the young woman's swaying hips and tight pert bum leave the room.As one of the directors of his family accountancy firm, he insisted on giving a final interview to all applicants especially if they were...
"Home town revisited"
Bex drove Matt back to where she had picked him up and dropped him off after a passionate kiss and a mutual grope, him groping her tits and Bex rubbing his groin.Matt reluctantly got out of the car both making...
"Cheating wife's day to herself"
Bex awoke the next morning and looked over to see her husband had already got up.As she moved her legs to stretch out, her thighs felt sticky and it took her straight back to the night before with the taxi...
"Cheating wife's further fun"
By the time they left the party, her husband was wasted, to the point that he had to be embarrassingly helped to the taxi.'Fuck's sake,' Bex thought to herself as she sat next to him as he slumped in the...
"Frustrated wife finds release."
Rebecca - or Bex, as she likes to be known - sat at the table, bored to tears.Sipping her fourth (or was it fifth?) glass of champagne, she looked around the room at the wedding she hadn't wanted to come...