There are crumbs in the bed, In the spot where he laid. And the moon casts a shadow, Where love once was made. And the clock shines the hour, As the night turns to day. But the sun has no...
Member: CuriousButterfly
Love Like No Other
"For my love, D"
Love Like No Other The smell of your skin, The gentleness of your touch, The passion of your kisses, All filled with so much love. A love that surpasses the stars, Higher than the heavens above, Transcending the here and...
His Smoky Beauty
"Some might smoke a cigarette after an amazing orgasm, but in our case smoking one leads to more...."
She leaned over and reached for her cigarettes, her whole body still tingling from their most recent erotic adventure. Deftly she pulled a cigarette from the pack, placed it on her waiting lips and flicked her lighter; setting a warm...
I love you more…
"dedicated to my love"
I love you more than the moon loves the sun Because without the sun it could not shine I love you more than the flowers love the rain Because without the rain they could not grow I love you more...
Today I Choose…
"dedicated to the one who has stolen my heart"
Today I choose to love you With every part of my being Today I choose to ignore the doubts Leaving behind old wounds My heart reaches across the miles And seeks the warmth of your soul Closing my eyes, my...
The Massage Part Two
"continuation from The Massage"
She knelt before him and slowly began to undo his belt buckle. He chuckled in anticipation of what was coming next. She slowly undid his zipper and with his help pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles. She...
Two souls connect by chance one night At first they just glance and stare They dance around their growing attraction Flirtatiously courting in the warm night air The look in his eyes draws her closer Her sweet lips betray her...
I Won’t Let You
"received my separation papers today...trying to look forward"
I Won’t Let You We made promises of forever But our love you did betray You tore my heart in pieces But I won’t fade away We shared so many laughs But abruptly left me in tears You shook me...
"Dedicated to JE"
You always make me smile You’re so passionate and sweet You fill me with desire You make my life complete You’re always on my mind You inspire my soul You send shivers down my spine You make my heart whole...
Wish I Could Have Met You
"This poem is dedicated to a friend of mine who lost his dad...his best friend"
Wish I Could Have Met You You inspired a man to be great His eyes shine when he speaks your name You taught him to be kind You taught him to work hard You taught him how to live You...