Steampunk Sydney: The Governor, His Wife, A Lady-Engineer, … Plus One Harlot.

"Thanks to Vampire-vixen for describing the colour palette of a soundly spanked bum"

Lieutenant-General Sir Richard George would never become accustomed to mornings in this god-forsaken colony. The squawking cockatoos’ addiction to slumber sundering meant he started every day on the wrong foot. Yawning, he slipped from their four-poster bed, careful not to...

A Pyrrhic Victory

"One day in a divorce attorney's rooms ..."

I want you. A video followed that text. Juices oozed onto the Lamborghini’s leather seat, as Marissa’s finger slid from her sticky cunt. She sensually sucked that digit between slut-red lips.“As a no-fault divorce state, his alleged infidelity won’t entitle...

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107 words 107 words

The Sin Preceding Original Sin: Adam Swiped Left

"Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call to one another; There shall the Lilith repose, and find for herself a place to rest. - The Bible, Isaiah 34:14."

Miriam Cohen was gobsmacked: mother had arranged a valentine's date for her. Not with a random young man, of course; rather, mama confided, in hushed tones, that David’s mother had confided, in hushed tones, “Doctor potential.”He was intuitive, recognising Miriam’s...

The Bacchanalian Threesome That Cancelled Christmas; Rudolph Roasted Too!!

"The North Pole Times: All the News That's Unfit to Print"

“Fuck Christmas. I wanna shag sluts.” Santa's reindeer detoured to the North Pole pharmacy. Two bodacious babes prominent on the naughty list were, unsurprisingly, underdressed.Santa's schlong stretched one strumpet’s sopping snatch. Santa-seed spurted; Rudolph stomped his hoof impatiently. Venison’s invigorating...

Zucchini and the Art of Language Maintenance

"Good girls don't say Courgette"

“That large organic zucchini, please.”Her eyes rolled as I paid the greengrocer, “It’s courgette, Miss!”Later on, I twisted the vegetable deep, stretching her cunt’s slick velvet walls. “What’s this called, little putain?”“Fuckkkkkkkkk … Um, courgette, Miss?”Rhythmically vegie-fucking my cum-slut’s now...

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105 words 105 words

The Strangler Fig Pas de Deux

"“My poor body, madam, requires it: I am driven on by the flesh; and he must needs go that the devil drives.” Shakespeare, All's Well that Ends Well."

The whirring fan was a triumph of optimism over effectiveness, not a skerrick of breeze cut through the treacly mugginess shrouding my skin. That humidity, redolent of molasses, mango, and frangipani, continually asked: Always the outsider in this fugging hell...

Spellbound: Peek-a-Boo

"What angel wakes me from my flow’ry bed? Titania"

Never look back; that's your mantra. It helped loosen the knots binding me to parental beliefs. But, now; fuck you, it's never, ‘just sex.’So it’s a spiteful last longing look over my shoulder, before vanishing into the woods. Lot’s wife glanced...

A Most Demanding Mistress

"tis not hard to obey when we love the one whom we obey - St Ignatius"

Now!Oh, fuck! Her response is unambiguous. My text, Still schmoozing the directors, given no quarter. I can hardly exit stage left while the chairman’s pontificating on my amazingness. But she’s not one to give a damn about other priorities.Increased revenue, lowered...

Picnic at Hanging Rock Redux

"“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” Churchill paraphrasing Santayana."

“Help! The plug’s stuck in Joanna’s bum.” That roused a somnolent Alison from deepening her all-over tan in the relentless morning sun. Aviators cut through the pool’s wicked glare; a panicky Hannah, followed by the sheepish Joanna, had burst through the...

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Finding Flora

"“Water is the mother of the vine, the nurse and fountain of fecundity, the adorner and refresher of the world.” – Charles Mackay"

An act of sporting heroism made for the best day ever. An act of spineless weakness made for the worst day ever.For Jack, his dual-sport motorbike aggressively bouncing over the ruts of an abandoned forestry track deep in the Blue...