Sock On My Cock

"Hurry up, but you’ll have to do it again"

Late for work,I couldn’t get started.Sat for a shitBut only farted.~~Half hour lateBut I punch no clock.I looked at my feet,Saw only one sock.~~Could have swornI put them both on.What the fuck,There’s one on my dong.

A Beautiful Death

"No matter how beautiful your life, the Reaper will come"

The warmth of her hand wrapped around my half-hard shaft. The aroma of her hair and perfumed skin as I kiss her neck. The smooth silkiness of her gown, thin and sheer as her body presses to mine. The urgency...

Vengeance (One By One)

"Fuck with the bull and you get the horn"

Side to side I slowly swungGently hanging in the cool morning sunWith a creak of the oakAnd the sting of my throat.The lasso strainedUnder the weight of my frameFar in the distance as my eyes dimmedEight cowboys galloped away like...

Score 110 110
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637 words 637 words


"She wore them so well"

The brightness of whiteOn skin sun-kissed and tanSuch a contrastDraws the eyes of this manThe fit so tightNot to mention so smallShe stood at the sinkHer back to me whileShe brushed her teethIn the mirror on the wall Sexily bunched between...

Score 110 110
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310 words 310 words

Another First Time (One Hundred And One)

"There is never a second first time"

I’ve lusted for monthsDesire with no endHer husband though Was my best friendI wanted so muchBut had to pretendWe worked togetherPassing in the hallLunch in the break roomThe talk always smallAt night I would strokeAnd think of her smileSo much seed...

Score 110 110
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247 words 247 words

Me And Sherie, Thirty-Five Years Removed

"You see everybody you know at Walmart"

I never expected to see her. It was only by chance that we met. Doing my weekly grocery shopping at Walmart, I turned a corner and there she was. At first, I hardly recognized her.At fifty-one, she still looked good....

Momma Rose

"He sought perfection and found love"

His strokes were smooth and fluid, the colors, more vibrant than any he had ever seen. Amazed at the canvas before him, Terry could see life in his painting. There was no muse. He had no model. The woman on...

Score 110 110
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4.5k words 4.5k words

Hair so long And lips so soft Mouth so sweetFilled with moist heatTaking me inWith loving kissesI was still softMy lover’s tongue swirledIn and outLicking lickingSoftly suckingWetting my shaftTickling my assWe shared a laughDeeper and deeperAs my erection grewAlmost gaggingThis was nothing...

Score 110 110
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205 words 205 words