I’ve Fucked

"The title says it"

I’ve fucked womenAnd I’ve fucked menMore than onceEven more than ten ~~I’ve had pussy on my faceAnd balls on my chinSwallowed some cumAnd pumped some in ~~I’ve had my shareOf sex in this lifeBefore and afterI’d taken a wife ~~I’ve...

Taken Aboard

"We are all the same under the skin"

A green sexy being from VenusAbducted me to study my penisUpon suggestion to please herShe had no objectionWhen I offered to eat her~~Her green pussy so sweetErecting my meatWhen she saw my mastSlide up inside her She squealed, “Hard And...

The Long And Short Of It (For The Record)

"She was meant for big things"

Some people are blessedYou can see at a glanceAt a Guinness World Records gatheringThey met just by chance               ~~At twenty years oldBarely two feet tallThe worlds shortest womanStood by the wall          ...

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