Fast Food Checkout Girl

"Older man's flirting pays off."

Many things probably combined on that day; midlife crisis, a sex life that started later than the average for the time, and a consistent track record of lovers significantly older than me. I was in a rare mood of self-confidence...

Milking Kim

"Kim seduces her best friends husband."

Gary hooked his thumb vaguely in the direction of the room that he and Kimberly had converted to a nursery. "Kim's feeding the li'l one," he said. "She'll be out in a few minutes." He often referred to his new...

Alice and Brad

"Alice gives in."

Alice fumbled with the key to her dorm door. She was surprised that they were there already. She and Brad had been walking around campus talking most of the evening. The current topic about how bad most grad students are at...

My Best Friend; My Dream Girl

"My Best friend was the girl of my dreams"

I assume every guy has one female friend who they secretly adore. That one girl that considers him as a close friend, yet has a loser boyfriend, who treats her like shit. A girl who he sets on such a...

Midnight Sex Buddy

"A trip to the campsite bath house turns into a pleasurable experience."

I have always liked camping as a family. I remember going many places as a kid and have been anxious to share that experience with my own family. This summer my wife and I decided we would pack the tent...