Only Sometimes Pt.6 Surrender

"Her white flag is flying and she whole heartedly gives into her passion"

I reclined on the bed, propped up against the headboard. Dean was still sitting on the end of the bed, I guess consumed in thought. He turned around and asked, “Do you think we’re done?”“I have no idea,” I replied...

Only Sometimes Pt.4-Consent

"And the adventure begins"

“Whoa,” Dean exclaimed in disbelief.“We better get to the elevators, quick,” I replied. We both practically fell over each other in a rush to vacate the table.We hurriedly headed through the bar area toward the elevator, and there she stood...

Only Sometimes-Pt.1-Discovery

"My wife is conflicted and the only answer seems to be sharing her."

It's not really something anyone ever expects to hear. More so, it’s something that people dread to hear. The common response, aside from shock, a feeling of intimate betrayal and anger is, of course, disbelief. It’s always “Not my wife,...