Secret Little

"Laying in bed thinking about her again eh?"

So, who is that girl who fills your mind when no one is around?You know the one I’m speaking of, she is in your head right now.The one who makes your body ache in the middle of the night?Let’s take...

I know of what you speakI have been there you see.There was a day not so long agowhen I looked like youas he looked at me.  Our eyes caressed each other gentlyand his world is what I was.I remember it so...

Giving In

"A message from a new pet to her Master"

I saw you from afar And watched as you played Just thinking about it made me wet So afraid of being hurt again I’m hiding far away Protecting my heart from old regrets You look like fire I might get...

A Taking Of A New Pet

"I bring Master a sexy new pet and get to watch as he takes her...."

A Taking Of A New Pet As I walk to his cabana, my heart is racing. All day, I could think of nothing more than how my night would be filled with ecstasy at the hands of my Master. Just...

The Cable Guy – Part 3

"Continued from The Cable Guy - Part 2"

A man came to my home this morning to fix the cable and we are definitely getting more than we both bargained for. My husband is downstairs and somehow I have found myself in my bedroom in a wild and...

The Cable Guy – Part 2

"Leading a hot young cable guy upstairs turns in to more than fixing televisions."

I can feel the heat rising inside me as I lead you upstairs. I know I shouldn’t be thinking this way, but I certainly wish this was for other reasons than fixing the cable. You are walking closely behind me...

Thinking Of You When I Shouldn’t

"Living after losing someone..."

Rolling over to him Feeling his hands on my body Making me feel so good As we lose ourselves together Lips on lips Hip to hip Fit together so well Should be in heaven but I’m in hell Thoughts linger...

The Cable Guy – Part 1

"A neglected wife gets way more than she bargained for when the cable guy pays a visit."

What a week! It seems like all I have heard from him is how the Internet isn’t working and the cable keeps going out. I’d like to take all the electronics in this house and set them on fire! If...