Are you wet for me, my love,knowing that I sit and watch? There is a heat in your loins,a smouldering burn,a spreading warmthof liquid fire. Do you wait for me, my love? Yes, you wait... spread open in want,and tenderly pierced by...
Member: Couple4Play
This time, when we received the news that John would be back in town, we had adequate time to anticipate and plan. It was a nice change. His visit would have him in town on a Friday night, with a...
Until Next Time – Part Four
"We take advantage of a last minute business trip, and enjoy an evening of hot sex with a friend..."
Whenever John comes to town on business, Paula and I always like to get together with him for a little naughty fun. This time was no exception. Unfortunately, this trip had come up at the last minute, so we all...
Patient Fingers
"A brief love affair that happened only in my mind..."
The last time you wore that blouse,there were eight buttons done up. I remember, because my fingerstrembled with nervous energy.They were fixated on them.No, mesmerized by them.Begging to undo them,button by delicious button.Eight buttons. Eight. I see you're wearing it...
Until Next Time – Part Three
"Well, since you're in the neighbourhood..."
Paula and I were glad to have this time, this quick visit before John headed to the airport. It was a happy coincidence that our house was on his way to his next business engagement. We were expecting John around...
Until Next Time – Part Two
"Our continuing adventures with John..."
I don't know when this story started, or when the last one ended - if it did in fact end. Standing in front of the picture window with my wife, watching John drive away, I had to admit that things...
Until Next Time – Part One
"Waiting for what the universe has in store for us..."
Often I am asked whether or not we are looking to "hook up" for some steamy fun. My default answer has become that we are never really looking, that we are satisfied with each other, and that we have had...
Before Friends Shared Everything
"The message promised beer, cigarettes, and stimulating conversation - no strings attached."
Before Friends Shared Everything The glow from my monitor was the only light in the room. I sat, eyes transfixed, and silently pondered the message open before me. My heart raced, spurred on by the promise of a new adventure....
Friends Share Everything
"A husband and wife share a very special friend - an intimate evening begins under the stars."
It was finally here, the night we had all been waiting for. The three of us had found something special together, each of us attracted to the other. My wife and I had met him, almost by accident, and both...