Ella’s Revenge

"Sometimes revenge is best served steaming hot."

The predawn sunlight woke her. Her lover was warm. He shouldn’t have been warm. Last night, even in the throws of violent passion, he had been cold. She heard the sound of a glass vial hitting the floor. Ah, the...

Chumba’s Bisexual Bliss

"100 words of peace"

I lay in the dark between a beautiful husband-and-wife couple. They are curled up on either side of me with their butts touching my hips: His hard muscular bottom and her soft ass.My mouth tastes like his dick and cum....

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Agreed to Two

"A Double Penetration Domination and Submission Poem"

“Show them to us.”It is not a command.The command voice is not required.I have agreed. “Oh, nice,” says the dark-haired stranger.“You take that one,” says the blond.Then, for the first time ever, I am being touched by two men.Me! Ordinary me. Tiny...