Stolen glances, panty flashes Trouser bulges, sweet indulgence. Lips on lips, hips to hips Hands on asses, empty wine glasses. Shirts ripped, jeans unzipped Hands roaming; panting, moaning. On your knees, you aim to please Sucking his cock, hard as...
Member: CherryRedGirl
Homework and Hook-Ups: Fun with the Soccer Team
"What happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room."
It was a warm fall day and the boys' varsity soccer team was scrimmaging. Shirts vs. Skins. Nick was a skin. Some of my colleagues suggested I should support the sports teams, get more "school spirit". Gag. But if it...
A Blowjob to Remember
"A true story about giving a great blowjob."
"I told you, I am not having sex on my period." "But babe" "Don't 'but babe' me," I joked. "Well, can you at least suck my dick?" "No, it'll make me too horny." "Awe c'mon." With a smirk on his...
Homework and Hookups: Lane’s Fantasy
"Lane writes a story about one of her students and what she wants to do to him."
Nick Learns His Lesson by Melanie Lane I sighed as I graded my student's papers. All I saw was red, red ink, that is. But one student in particular, Nicholas Matthews, frustrated me the most. He had such potential, if...
Homework and Hook-Ups
"Miss Lane loves to fuck her students."
For being hungover, I looked pretty good. I vaguely remembered last night. A few girlfriends and I went barhopping to celebrate getting my teaching job, and I guess I hooked up with someone. From the pictures Alison showed me, he...
The Model: Part 4
"I must satisfy Alana and James."
"Meet us in room 34A at 9:00 tonight . James has the key. Make sure to wear something sexy. xoxo- Alana" I had been anticipating this since the night before. I didn't know what was in store for me, but...
The Model: Part 3
"Someone isn't finished with me yet."
After figure drawing we moved onto still life drawing. Sadly I hadn't seen or heard from James or Alana all week. Remembering his hard cock pounding my pussy and her tongue pleasuring my clit made me horny for the next...
The Model
"Figure drawing becomes a lot sexier."
It was my first semester at art school and I was loving it. To be able to go to school and draw, paint, and create, and eventually get paid for it was my dream. But today would change everything. I...