Love is Death
"About how Love is pain and kills you"
Love, death of all being,Sucking blood from veins.Draining the Soul.Torturing the Heart.Never fall in Love.It kills ones self.Ones Soul.Devouring it Whole.Love, Lifeless Taker,And heart breaker.
"About how Love is pain and kills you"
Love, death of all being,Sucking blood from veins.Draining the Soul.Torturing the Heart.Never fall in Love.It kills ones self.Ones Soul.Devouring it Whole.Love, Lifeless Taker,And heart breaker.
"About making that special person Happy."
A Night so Amazing,That never wanted to End. A night everlasting,In my Heart.All the Planning,Paying off.Impressing the one,Who is dear.A fear, that never came.But was there,Instead Happiness ,Filled its' place.Happiness, that made,A night so special.Filling mine and hers,With Joy.Making everything...
"About the heart and pain"
Pain excites within, Arousing PleasureArousing the Mind.Seeking inner Peace.Drowning in Pain,Pain of the Heart. Killing all Pleasure,Enticed by the Pain.Pain of the Heart,Kills all things.Kills the Pleasure,Taken with Glee.The hearts Pain,Must be Quelled.Must be Extinguished,So Naughtiness can Rein.Pain Excites the...
"About love at Christmas time."
Under the Mistletoe,We Embrace.Holding you Gently, Calming my Soul.Looking deep into your Eyes,Getting lost in their Beauty.After being Mesmerized,We retreat to our Room.Delighting in Pleasure,We entwine as One.Spreading Christmas Pleasure.Spreading Christmas Joy and Cheer.
"A poem about how love can hurt and destroy a heart."
Love lost,Always with A Cost. Loosing ones Heart.Loosing a part,Part of ones Essence.Even the quintessence.Never to be gained.Only Lost Within.Love Destroys from Within,Placing the Heart in a Bin.A bin of Trash.To be thrown out.Without a Heart,Now that’s a Start.A Start...
"About making love at Christmas under the tree"
Under the Tree,We are Free.Free to Embrace,Face to Face.Rolling Around.Fooling Around.Desires, a Fire.Burning Bright.Desire so Intense.Out shining the tree lights.Making sweet Passion,For the remainder of the Nights.
"About sex"
As I Bed,You, my Dear.Nothing so Sweet,That tastes as Good.Biting to Taste,Craving your Blood.Salivating as I think,Of what Becomes.The rhythm of Two,Beating as One.Moving so Slow,And yet so Fast.Riding a stream of Pleasure ,Only to merge with Another.
As I Lay,Beside, my Sweet.I turn to Thee.And salute you.Are you ready?For round two.Ready to See,If we can do Better.Wanting to Feel,Pure Euphoria. As round two,Excites Passion.Passion that Explodes,From deep within.Only to leave its' Mark.On You. Was round two Better?Or...
"About how pain can be exciting"
Pain slowly seeps,Threw my veins.Waiting for Pleasure,To drain the Pain.As you bite me,I writhe with bliss.As we kiss,Our passion explodes.An explosion of Passion,As we bed,Our passion is fed,By our joining.Joining only to Climb,Climb higher til we fold.Fold to keep from...