There’s always time

"What happens when my first choice college rejects me? I go back in time to fix their error"

Prolog: The Nobel Prize speech I can't giveOlivia giggled as I lifted her breast to my mouth like a microphone."Majesties, Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen. I accept the Nobel Prize in physics for my invention of a time machine. My friend...


"We were never to meet again. Until..."

The phone jangles me from my post-orgasm sleep."I need to see you. Hotel bar."Only two hours since we said we'd never meet again.Slipping on sweatpants and shirt, slippers, hotel robe, I navigate there.Handsome, no, beautiful man rises as I enter. “Dave,” he says....


"Social isolation encourages strangers to meet."

The dog seemed to come from nowhere as I was walking. Tangling my leg in the retractable leash, I overbalanced and fell, skinning my knee.A tall willowy woman followed the dog. Eyes full of concern behind her mask, she took...

At the Lake

"Massage from stranger leads to much more"

I awoke with a startle to Karen's soft gasp of surprise. She had just come upon me curled up belly-to-belly with Jay, half asleep, heads resting on each other's inner thighs. Karen. My oldest friend, my nursing school buddy, my...

Teacher part 2

"I learn from my daughter's teacher"

Ms. McCall put her phone back in her bag. She turned to appraise me in my robe and pajama top. "It would be polite of you to greet her nude. She will be wearing almost nothing when she arrives." For...


"My daughter's teacher becomes my teacher"

Saturday night, alone for the the first time in a long time. The butterflies were back in my stomach. Sitting on the overstuffed chair in the den, legs up on the ottoman. The lights were dimmed. My coffee was cooling...

My doorbell is for my friends, not for strangers. It's a friendly way to get invited inside. My doorbell can be quietly stroked, or touched in a way that sets off all my alarms. To get to my doorbell requires...

Artist — Chapter 3

"I am surprised in the park again"

"Ah, here you are, Jane, I've been looking for you for weeks!" I looked up to see the strawberry blonde from the park. The park I had been avoiding for two weeks. The girl I'd been avoiding. Her smile was...