Old School Blazer

"A strict aunt discovers her adult nephew's interest in spanking and caning, and decides to give him what he deserves."

He stroked the felt badge on his old school blazer with affection.  He should have thrown the blazer away years ago, as he never wore it, and it smelt of mothballs.  There it was, hanging on a polished wooden coat...

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I Could Smell The Man On My Hands

"Hot sex and spanking at a gay sauna/bath house is followed by an encore at home."

I thought I'd washed thoroughly in the showers before leaving the gay sauna. But somehow the smell of the young man lingered on my hands. Musky and masculine, with just a hint of funk and condom rubber, the smell was...

The Giant

"A young married couple explore spanking, inspired by an ancient fertility symbol."

“Pass me the mustard please, darling.”“Oh my gosh, look at this! It’s an ancient hill figure of a giant male with a large phallus.”He was explaining the chalk carving to his newly wed.“Do you mean a big cock?” she laughed.“Shhh…the...

In A London Bedsit

"A landlord punishes his naughty tenant on her knickers and on the bare bottom"

“What we have here, my girl, is a genuine ILEA school cane.” “ILEA? Is that the Swedish furniture shop?” “No, no, no! Are you trying to be smart with me? I-L-E-A, do try to keep up my girl! ILEA stood...

The Poem Of Ecstasy

"An 18-year-old young man falls for the dominant charms of an older woman"

Performances of Scriabin’s “Le Poème de l’extase” have always been extremely rare. Madeleine listened enraptured to the solo trumpeter. He had a gorgeous tone and immaculate timing, obviously helped by a good ear. He was a natural. She admired the...

Barber’s Pole

"A visit to the retired barber's private cutting salon for spanking then upstairs for sex"

What a stupid question! No, of course not! No, I never regretted moving to the coast. Why would I? A tidy little inheritance and my early retirement had enabled it. My house was one of a detached pair in typical...

Oh, Nan!

"A 22-year-old male is caught masturbating, so his grandmother canes him."

“Mum! Is that you? I can’t chat for long. This phonebox smells like a public toilet and I think I’ll be sick if I stay here long. I’m not used to these decimal coins either. Blasted things! Anyway, how are...

In The Pillbox

"In a seedy concrete wartime building, two leather bikers spank and shag each other"

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” my man Evan asked me. It was a fantastic location. A veritable desert strand of a beach, a beautiful headland, and nearby a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), or Safleoedd o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol...