What Does Love Mean To Me

"Deep desire to love and be loved... Just like everyone else out there."

Are they just words written in a hallmark card? For me, they are deep emotions ready to be expressed. The willingness to give up everything for that special someone, Reached by purging the materialistic delights to attain that love. I gaze...

Yet He Does Not Touch Me

"Just to be near him is enough but is it really..I want to be touched"

He stands behind me ever so close and I can feel his body’s heat radiate His face is close to mine that I can stick my tongue and almost lick his face His lips barely brush against my lips and...

I Have Many Faces

"Do you see a woman filled with passion desire"

Close your eyes and picture me. What do you see? It is only me with one mind, one soul, and one heart and yet I have many faces. Can you tell them apart? Many say I have the face of...

Anyone up for a game of pool?

"Strip pool sounds like fun."

I got a call from my sweetheart about spending a week house-sitting for his parents while they were away on vacation. I said yes, thought it would be fun spending time in the house where he grew up. I met...

Picnic on a rainy day

"a little fruit, whip cream and some hot passion and great sex"

We met accidentally on a chat site, but felt like we had known each other for years. We would talk on the phone occasionally then chat a bit on the internet and finally we decided to meet each other in...

His Scent

"The intoxicating smell of cum, perfume and persperiation on the sheets"

I missed his touch and scent on my body so much, that I needed to see him that night after work. He never minded that I just stopped by whenever I felt like it, whether it was to talk with...

Attention to the Mrs.

"He suckled my nipples through my tank top"

It was an early night when my hubby and I decided to go to bed. He was not in the mood to have sex, which was not surprising since of late he just was so tired he just crashed. I...

She stood at my doorstep drenched

"Her wet shirt clung to her breasts and her nipples were inviting"

A cool summer evening, I was home alone, my hubby had left two days ago on a business trip. It was around 7pm, all was quiet except for the thunder & rain storm that come out of no where. I decided...