When and Where

"My chat with Mary makes me realise how much I miss a big black cock."

I’ve always been a great believer in turning sexual fantasy into reality wherever possible, and I had a lovely conversation the other day with my Canadian friend Mary on that very subject. About seven years ago after sex with her...

Babette, Johnny And Me

"A casual encounter on a nudist beach leads to a job offer and my first threesome."

The other day when I was flicking through one of my many scrapbooks, I came across a photograph of a young naked blonde girl on a beach. Underneath it I’d written, ‘Babette, Argeles summer two thousand and four,’ and the...

Champagne and Canapes

"An invitation to a fancy dress swingers party includes a live sex show and much more."

When I mentioned to Jack that we’d been invited to a swingers party at Erica Smith’s mansion on the last Saturday before Christmas he smiled and nodded his approval. But when I told him that it was a theme party,...

Stockings and a Smile

"My friend Andrea and I plot to lure a fit young colt back to my place for sex."

During a nice chat I had with Andrea one evening, she mentioned that she’d read my account of the day I seduced young Josh whilst his mother and sister were out shopping. I told her that after that enjoyable event...

Tiffany Takes it Seriously

"Tiffany's tale of how she was the stand in for a porn film spurs me on to do one too."

One event in my calendar that I always look forward to is Sabrina’s sexy girlfest. It coincides with her husband’s annual golfing vacation and enables five horny women to meet up at her delightful country house for a weekend of...

What you see is what you get

"My lovely work colleague is leaving and this is my last chance to seduce her."

It made me quite emotional when I opened the envelope and read Lucy’s resignation letter and although I understood her reasons completely, it didn’t make things any easier. With only a few days remaining before she left ‘Playthings’ to join...

Thanks For Waiting

"I was expecting sex after my dinner date but not with two bisexual men."

I was even more up-beat than normal when I arrived for work on the Monday morning following that wonderful spontaneous sex with Carlo the day before and I couldn’t wait to tell Kathy all about it. She was the manager...

Do You Always Go Commando?

"A prospective buyer views my parent's house and we end up having sex on their kitchen table."

It’s fascinating how something as simple as a family snapshot can suddenly bring back vivid memories of an event that makes your heart skip a beat. In my case it was a photograph of me standing next to my car...

Let’s Surprise Him

"A young virgin friend allows me and my hunky neighbour to teach her about sex."

Quite often my sexy girlfriend Yvonne comes to stay with me at weekends but a couple of weeks ago I was in bed alone on a Saturday night when I became aware of someone slipping under the duvet and snuggling...