DiscreetOfficeServices.Com Chapters 23–24

"Sometimes, it's all about how you earn success!"

Chapter Twenty-Three...Thursday Afternoon…Focusing on the sliding door that opened onto the small balcony, I watched wind-driven rain splatter against the glass. Outside, gusting wind, heavy rain and dark grey skies mirrored my mood exactly. Inside, I tried to keep a...

DiscreetOfficeServices.Com Chapters 11–12

"Sometimes, it's all about how you earn success!"

Chapter 11...The Present..."Well, it wasn't my idea!" Danny's voice was a strained whisper. We were in his room with the door shut."I signed on as a fake girlfriend. Not to sleep with you," my whisper was just as quiet and strained. "I wanted...

DiscreetOfficeServices.Com Chapters 17–18

"Sometimes, it's all about how you earn success!"

Chapter 17...The Present...Danny sat in thought, processing all I'd told him. “So, you’ve been lying to your parents for almost a year, and then to me…”“Danny,” I shut off the hair blower and looked at him. “I know you have...

DiscreetOfficeServices.Com Chapters 15–16

"Sometimes, it's all about how you earn success!"

Chapter Fifteen...The Present...“WHAT DO YOU TWO WANT?”After my yell there was complete silence outside our door. Amber and Brie were no doubt wondering whether to answer or flee. Perhaps I overreacted? My only excuse was that I'd reached my limit...

DiscreetOfficeServices.Com Chapters 9–10

"Sometimes, it's all about how you earn success!"

The Present...I'm late...I'm late...I'm late...I'm so late! That thread kept repeating in my head over and over again as I waited for the elevator. I'd just left the office of my last client of the day. An appointment usually lasts for...