A Candid Train Ride VII

"Leanne struggles to find a way to deal with Mick…"

Leanne appeared at my door a short while after her run-in with Mick. She was obviously distraught, tears were streaming down her cheeks.“What’s wrong?” I asked her, highly concerned.She explained to me in detail her conversation with Mick. She told...

A Candid Train Ride VI

"Leanne and Heather compete for space in my head, Leanne squirts again and creates a problem for herself."

I cleaned myself up in the morning, leaving Leanne’s note on the mirror. I would spend my day relaxing and watching the country roll by. Furthermore, I was in a great mood again, Leanne’s intoxicating behavior elevating me to new...

A Candid Train Ride V

"Part v of my favorite series to write for, setting up for the next chapter, a little darker!"

It was still raining as I awaited to board the new train on the platform. With half my vacation still left to go, I looked forward to a few more nights aboard the rails. I would be traveling east now,...