The V-Day War: Mom vs. Aunt – Pt. 1

"Who will be a lucky guy's special valentine?"

Ding-ding-ding!Welcome to tonight’s match, folks!A colossal coliseum crusher! An epically engaging encounter! A sexually sizzling sparring of sultry sinners!In one corner of the ring, we have my mom—the queen bee. The head matriarch. The prime rib of pussy. Mid-forties and...

I, Sex Bot

"A man tries out his first sex bot"

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.Twenty-seven-years-old, about five-foot-seven, sparkling brown eyes with a hint of green that seemed to light up the room, straight and soft brunette hair falling just above her rib cage area and...

Breaking Barriers With My Sister

"A brother and sister discuss the morals of family nudity and incest before it changes them forever."

“I’m so borrred,” my sister, Liz, whined with an attached groan as she tossed the TV remote aside.After a silent thirty seconds, I didn’t even take my eyes off the screen as I responded with, “Are you expecting some kind...