Fantasy about my Brother 3

"A simple fantasy I have for my brother..."

I sat with my back erect on the edge of the large tan couch. It was around 8 at night, I wore pink pajama pants and a plain white tee. My brother was sitting on the sand-colored carpet in front...

Fantasy about my Brother 2

"Just a simple fantasy I have for my brother."

The water was icy against my toes as I swung my feet back and forth. I sat on the edge of the wooden dock, my arms stretched back, letting my body absorb the sunlight. Sounds of the waves crashing against...

Fantasy about my Brother

"A fantasy I have for my brother."

This is a fantasy I have about my brother and I. It is purely fictional.I laid on my bed in the darkness, a faint light glistening from the door in front of me. It was quiet, with only a hint...