The Package

"Their hands reached for stiffening cocks as her hips lifted and swayed off the bed."

She heard him calling her name and despite her best effort, the butterflies in her stomach took flight. Three weeks he’d been around with his college-aged painting crew and though she usually enjoyed the solitude of her home, this summer...

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"“It feels so big,” she whispered with a delicious sense of wonder, “You’re really going to fuck me""

The reflection in the mirror was better than any fantasy I’ve ever had. She was down on her knees before me, white pumps tucked neatly under her plump, little ass and not a stitch of clothing on besides a pearl...

Post Inspection

"Nikki’s lips part and she thrills at the pressure rising up within her."

“You could have at least let me cum.”Twenty minutes later and Nikki is pissed. The walk home gave her some time to process what had gone down and while parts of it were spectacular, in her mind, an unspoken agreement...


"“Sweetie, you know the Scrabble rules: winner gets to do anything they want…”"

She took a breath and tried to stop her fingers from shaking. She’d never won before. This was a big moment.“C-U-C-K,” she laid down four letter tiles and looked up at him for a response. He smiled smugly, not quite...


"She cupped the fullness of her breasts, lifting them up, a tantalizing landmine of an offering."

The last days of spring semester were impossible to manage. Between grading final essays and exams, delivering lectures and setting up a curriculum for the summer students, the able-bodied members of the faculty were tortured by a constant parade of...

Journey’s End

"Thrilling at her effect on him, she began a decadent feast between his open thighs."

The Mediterranean coast rolled along in the heart-tugging light of a late summer evening. Pinks, oranges and a red that flushed like blood bounced off the waves and heaved into the sky above. Her curls stretched in the warm wind,...