The Photographer and his Model

"Lisa was nervours, this was the first time she had modeled. The photographer had plans for Lisa!"

As he switched the equipment on, he said "Now just relax and everything will be fine." He returned to the table and picked up her purse. "I'll just put this away." He placed it close to her coat in the...

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I Watched My Wife Get a Massage Parlor Surprise

"A voyeuristic trip to the massage parlor turned up a surprise when my wife arrived for a massage!"

Martha joined a workout club and also has a massage every two to three weeks at a massage parlor about 10 miles out of town. She has always enjoyed getting massages but is somewhat shy and always has had a...

My Favorite ‘Spontaneous 3some’ Memory

"A threesome I will never forget"

It's late, actually early morning, and I'm justgetting out of work. As I pack up my stuff I'm thinking to myself that I'll go grab a bit to eat at the nearby diner with the gang from work, then head...