Miss Candy’s Treat

"Halloween will never be the same."

Carved into a massive pumpkin, glowed the outline of a half-naked woman; a portrait of Miss Candy, the mistress of the house. The jack-o’-latern glowed as I rang the doorbell under the “Adults Only” sign.She answered with silk and lace, cleavage...

Bush University

"Sex. Murder. Danger. What more could you ask for?"

Successful university students mastered three goals: they graduated with honours; they gained life-changing experiences; and had as much sex as possible. The last goal was definitely true for those attending Beaver Bush University. Students and staff alike possessed a healthy...

Val’s Day

"A wish gone terribly wrong."

I loved Valentine’s Day. A day for lovers and sweets. For gifts and surprises.Anticipation clung to my wet ivory skin as I stepped out of the hot shower. I hummed to myself as I shut off the water, grabbing a...